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Caroline O’Donovan

It is, the bases of which we acknowledge, that humans are multidimensional beings seeking fulfillment on many levels of their beingness, not only through psychological well being, but also through a deeper connection to, their spiritual essence. It is, favored by those on their self realisation path, where Caroline addresses client's issues far ranging from ancestral blocks, to those associated with ascension goals. Basic subjects deal with historical family relationships /bloodline ancestral curses, as align to skeletal issues, digestive issues, career limitations, personal relationships that, are stuck in a loop, and including money also, be it a lack of prosperity and abundance where these issues stem, from the father cum patriarchal lineage history, as their root, otherwise, heart issues, blockages of the giving and the receiving of love, to self or others, female reproduction and or level of creativity obstructions, and or, skin issues are derivative from the mother cum matriarchal bloodline lineage past history, with any hereditary markers in genetics, and all traumas experienced.

Through the progression of her addressing each subject, in each healing session, on the physical body, emotional body, conscious/unconscious/subconscious mind individually, and spiritual body, sexual body, psychological body, causal body, astral body, psychic body, the soul's blueprints and codes and male or female essence, she heals the very patterns as have manifested, from repeated life style choices, and personal and inherited choices. The client reclaims their personal power, in a healing of the situations, within personal and intimate relationships, outdated patterns and difficult challenges. Being indecisive, you lose yourself, denying the spirit, and ignoring, the call of the soul, therefore it offers everyone an opportunity to work on aspects of the daily life, until reconnected, from within metamorphosis, and then return to feeling an energetic upgrade.

General subjects include fear, anxiety, and an expanded focus on shadow body. Entrapments within mind control overlays, martyr and zealot leftovers from past lives, rogue self, and / or a wall around the heart. Stress, grief, fertility issues, feeling stuck, bullying, unworthiness, insecurity, are all states of being, requiring the release of all old thought belief programming, and ther elease of, deep emotional state limitations, as manifest into the physical elemental body and once purged, the body itself, heals itself. Lack of boundaries, or, psychic protection failure subjects include entity attachments, evil eye, splinter technology, soul fractals, galactic wars leftovers, personal targeting, spillovers from ancient civilisations, and a search for peace through polarity synthesis. Ascension focus subjects, address the DNA, emotional and mental bodies disconnect, glands, lightbody healing, mer ka ba, and any or all limitations, outdated belief systems, false memories, and more, as are due to the war on consciousness.

How many healing sessions, will depend on the goal, set out in the beginning, the depth to the history, or repeated patterning, expressions to which the belief systems have been looping and extent to which trauma has embedded in a life. Growth and transformation occurs, when it is seen to realign to how you want to be, having re-evaluated emotional responses, any past limitations and future desired, acknowledging the misalignments to any near and future goals.

Distant healing - It consists on you being worked on remotely, done offline, so, no personal interaction is necessary. Then once the healing has been fully completed, the client will receive, their confirmation email, and follow up continues in this manner, to have it to be expanded on. It is the clients choice, to lie down and rest in their personal space, while healing takes place or, get on with their normal daily tasks while it takes three days to a week, for the integration period. Please note that I am not medically trained, and I do not offer medical advise.