Psychospiritual healing treatment

What can psychospiritual healing treat ?

Healing journey

How many healings are needed to heal?

Prepare for healing session

How to prepare for
healing session?

Who am I

Hello, I'm Caroline O'Donovan

From the young age of four years, my intuition overtook the slumber of amnesia, we are all born my into, I was also nurtured throughout my school life, by those who promoted my potentials, and encouraged my gifts, including extensive communication skills, on all levels of beingness, and so I stepped out to examine ‘the reflection of all that is, in all things. 

Ascending beyond Duality
Caroline's Background and Experience

Caroline O’Donovan has over thirty years’ experience in psychospiritual healing, assisting others, on their journeys in releasing old patterns and paradigms, in order, to raise their consciousness and vibration. This work not only benefits her clients on a spiritual level but also assists them enormously in realizing their full potential in their day to day lives. This deep level work, resolves issues, carried through the ancestral lineages, past life influences, imbalances within the masculine and feminine principles, and the painful wounding experienced, throughout the soul’s expression. Her capacity to get to the root of the issue, is evident in the transformation experienced, by her clients.

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Why Choose Caroline O'Donovan:

What can psychospiritual healing treat?

With this being a next level healing, it unlocks your personal potential with subjects of in-depth healing, from all issues, including those within the various focuses on energetic bodies described here, as we collectively enter into within a period of, a consciousness shifting, that involves a mental quickening, into a newly entered Golden Age.

Physical focus

Skeleton system, digestive system, central nervous system, fascia, kidneys, gallbladder, autoimmune disease , DNA.

Emotional focus

Birth trauma, inner child, anger, fear, shadow body, abandonment, betrayal, denial, hate , envy, jealousy, mistrust.

Mental bodies focus

Bullying, negative self talk, mind control, panic attacks, self sabotage, disassociation, victim mentality.

Spiritual focus

Inner child, past life limitations, ancestral bloodline lineages, lightbodies ,meridians, pain body.


How many healings are needed to heal?

How many healing sessions, will depend on the goal, set out in the beginning, the depth to the history, or repeated patterning, expressions to which the belief systems have been looping and extent to which trauma has embedded in a life. Growth and transformation occurs, when it is seen to realign to how you want to be, having      re-evaluated emotional responses, any past limitations and future desired, acknowledging the misalignments to any near and future goals.


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